Rolling Meadow Dairy – about
Grass Fed means feeding cows grass, year-round.

Why is grass fed better for you?
The primary health benefit is that the omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio of grass fed milk is significantly improved – up to 300% in comparison to that of non-grass fed milk (5). It’s also been shown to increase the content of CLA in milk by 55% (7). Surveys conducted show its health promoting effects in obesity, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, diabetes, insulin resistance, inflammation, and some types of cancer (9, 10).
Why is grass fed better for the cows?
A cow’s stomach is pH neutral, a perfect environment for digesting grass (2). By utilizing grass feeding protocols, we are creating a great digestive environment for our cows to thrive, resulting in great tasting milk.
Why is grass fed better for the environment?
Cows that graze on grass create manure on the pastures, which is a natural, sustainable fertilizer. This reduces water pollution and erosion levels and ensures better soil and better plant growth (3). At Rolling Meadow Dairy, we believe in helping our planet, and if that means grass feeding – we’re in!
Don’t all cows eat grass?
Modern farming practices utilize predominantly silage and grain as feed (1). We set out to make the best milk we could, and we discovered that utilizing traditional grass feeding practices not only makes us different, but is also good for you, good for the cows and good for the environment!
What are the nutritional benefits of grass fed dairy products?
The primary health benefit is that the omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio of grass fed milk is significantly improved (up to 300%) in comparison to that of non-grass fed milk (5). Less omega-6, and more omega-3 means more health benefits from omega-3, the healthy fats! Considering the omega-3 content of grass fed milk has been shown to be 3x that found in milk from cows fed a diet comprised primarily of corn silage, we feel good knowing our milk can contribute to a healthier you (6).
Are there any other benefits of grass fed dairy products to the consumer?
Beyond the nutritional benefits discussed above, consumer feedback suggests grass fed dairy is more easily digestible.
Is grass feeding more sustainable?
Cows that graze on grass create manure on the pastures, which is a natural, sustainable fertilizer. This reduces water pollution and erosion levels and ensures better soil and better plant growth (8). At Rolling Meadow Dairy, we believe in helping our planet, and if that means grass feeding – we’re in!
We’ve been told that having our cows eat grass year-round is different, and if that’s the case, we’re okay with being a little different!
Our Story
We set out to make the best milk possible, and we discovered that utilizing traditional grass feeding practices not only makes us different, but is also good for you, good for the cows and good for the environment! We are a proudly Canadian company and work with local farmers in Ontario and British Columbia to bring you great tasting, local grass fed dairy.
We allow our cows to graze on pasture as long as our Canadian weather allows and ensure they are kept happy and healthy.

Good things take time and great things are worth waiting for
Our farmers utilize practices that may not produce the highest quantity of milk, but they sure do produce great quality milk. Like you, we feel that cows appreciate the little things like a long walk across a field of having the sun on your face during a sunny summer day. We believe in respect and dignity for our animals and partner with farmers who agree wholeheartedly with our position on animal welfare.
How many days a year do the cows graze on grass?
Due to the climate in Southwestern Ontario, our pasture grazing period is approximately half of the year. Cows graze on pasture approximately 150 days, even more if the weather permits. Over the winter months, the diet for the cows primarily consists of stored grasses; this ensures we can provide you with high quality grass-fed dairy products year-round!
Why is a Grass Enriched Diet Good for the Cows?
A cow’s stomach is pH neutral, a perfect environment for digesting grass (2). By utilizing grass feeding protocols, we are creating a great digestive environment for our cows to thrive, resulting in great tasting milk.
Do your cows only eat grass?
A healthy cow means a happy cow, and we want our cows to be as happy as possible. With that in mind, and with the guidance of veterinarians and animal nutritionists, we have established a diet for our cows to ensure that they are healthy! A percentage of added minerals and starches are used in the diet to ensure they have enough energy and nutrition to produce milk while maintaining healthy immune and digestive systems.
Are Rolling Meadow Products free of antibiotics and growth hormones?
Yes, all Rolling Meadow Dairy products test negative for the presence of antibiotics. In accordance with the Dairy Farmers of Ontario policy, we treat sick cows with antibiotics to ensure a healthy recovery. Cows are not milked during treatment. Antibiotics as preventative care are not permitted. Like all dairy in Canada, Rolling Meadow products come from cows raised without the use of added growth hormones.
How many days a year do the cows graze on grass?
Due to the climate in Southwestern Ontario, our pasture grazing period is approximately half of the year. Cows graze on pasture approximately 150 days, even more if the weather permits. Over the winter months, the diet for the cows primarily consists of stored grasses; this ensures we can provide you with high quality grass-fed dairy products year-round!
How happy are the cows?
We think it’s fair to say that our cows have a very happy life. They spend approximately half the year outside (weather permitting) and are treated with respect and dignity at all times. If cows could smile, ours would have sore cheeks!
Why is Grass Fed Dairy Good For You?
The primary health benefit is that the omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio of grass fed milk is significantly improved (up to 300%) in comparison to that of non-grass fed milk (5).
Do products made from grass fed cows look or taste different?
You will experience the same great taste of dairy you love, but you may find that the product feels a bit richer due to the change in the omega fatty acid ratio. Local Foodie and host of Let’s Eat!, Zane Caplansky, described our whole milk as being “sharp, rich and dense” next to conventional whole milk, which he described as being “tinny, like skim milk”.
Is Rolling Meadow milk pasteurized?
Yes, Rolling Meadow milk is pasteurized. Milk can contain harmful bacteria in its raw state, so it is required across Canada that it be pasteurized before it is sold to consumers (4). At Rolling Meadow Dairy, we produce milk in Ontario and British Columbia. In British Columbia, we use the ultra-high temperature pasteurization method (UHT). Our milk is pasteurized at a minimum time and temperature of 138ºC for 5 seconds.
Is Rolling Meadow milk pasteurized?
Yes, Rolling Meadow milk is pasteurized. Milk can contain harmful bacteria in its raw state, so it is required across Canada that it be pasteurized before it is sold to consumers (4). At Rolling Meadow Dairy, we produce milk in Ontario and British Columbia. In Ontario, we use the high-temperature short time (HTST) method. Our milk is pasteurized to a minimum time and temperature of 74ºC for 15 seconds. We utilize this temperature as it protects our milk’s great flavour while ensuring that harmful bacteria are killed off (11).
Are Rolling Meadow products homogenized?
Yes, all of our milk and yogurts are homogenized to provide a smooth consistency. Homogenization prevents the separation of milk and cream by breaking the fat into smaller particles. Without homogenization, the cream in the milk would separate from the skim and rise to the top of the container.
What makes your products different?
We are always looking for ways to produce clean, simple and quality grass fed dairy products. We utilize ingredients you can pronounce and avoid adding anything we don’t have to. Our plain yogurts and kefir are made from simple blends of grass fed milk and active bacterial cultures. We believe in providing premium grass fed dairy products and truly think you can taste the grass fed difference.
What is kefir?
Kefir, pronounced keh-feer, is a cultured and fermented milk beverage. It is produced from bacterial cultures and milk. Rolling Meadow Kefir is made from grass fed dairy and has 2 billion live bacterial cultures per 250 ml serving. Kefir has been shown to contribute to digestive and gut health (12). Rolling Meadow Kefir is more liquid than yogurt and is slightly effervescent. Try adding a touch of maple syrup or fresh fruit to the plain kefir for a new flavour!
Why can’t I find Rolling Meadow Dairy butter anywhere?
Right now, the demand for butter outweighs our supply. Producing and selling more milk will allow us to churn more butter – something that we hope to do more of in the future!
What does “Packaged On” mean?
The “packaged on” date is the date the butter was packaged on. The butter is freshest for 3 months from this date if refrigerated, and a year if frozen.
Why do you add Vitamin A palmitate and Vitamin D to your milk?
It is required by Canadian law that vitamin D is added to all forms of fluid and that vitamin A is added to skim and partly skimmed milks. We work to keep our products as pure as possible, only adding what is required by law.
Is the milk from which your Greek Yogurt and Sour Cream is made homogenized?
Yes, the milk from which our Greek Yogurt and Sour Cream is made is homogenized.
What’s the deal with omegas?
Less omega-6, and more omega-3 means more health benefits from omega-3, the healthy fats! Considering the omega-3 content of grass fed milk has been shown to be 3x that found in milk from cows fed a diet comprised primarily of corn silage, we feel good knowing our milk can contribute to a healthier you (6).
Good for the Environment
Cows that graze on grass create manure on the pastures, which is a natural, sustainable fertilizer. This reduces water pollution and erosion levels and ensures better soil and better plant growth (8). At Rolling Meadow Dairy, we believe in helping our planet, and if that means grass feeding – we’re in!
Are Rolling Meadow products organic?
Rolling Meadow products are currently not certified organic. We are proud to work with local farmers that share our high standards for environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and product safety. At this time, certifying all of the local farms where our milk is produced is unviable, but something we are continuing to review.
Where are these wonderful happy farms located?
We are a proudly Canadian company and work with local farmers in Southwestern Ontario and British Columbia.
What does “Fairtrade” mean?
Our Classic Chocolate Milk is certified Fairtrade by Fairtrade Canada. This guarantees that our chocolate milks are made with cocoa and sugar produced by small-scale farmer organizations that meet the standards of Fairtrade Canada. These standards are in place to protect the rights of small-scale workers and help to improve their working and living conditions. Fairtrade is 50% owned by producers, ensures that farmers are paid a fair price for their products, and are offered a premium to help with other needs. As ethically produced foods are valued by Rolling Meadow Dairy, we have chosen to source Fairtrade cocoa and sugar to make our chocolate milk with. To learn more about Fairtrade Canada and its standards, visit Fairtrade Canada.
Do you continue to feed cows grass in the winter months?
Yes, we cut grasses all summer and fall to feed to our cows in the winter and early spring. They are getting grass as their primary source of food all year long – not easy to do in Canada!
How many hens make up your flocks?
Most of the farmers that we work with are considered “part-time” egg farmers with small flocks of anywhere between 100-500 hens per farm. While that might seem like a lot of chickens, it’s about the equivalent to a farm having just 1-5 cows.
Where are your chicken farming partners located?
All of our chicken farming partners are located in Southwestern Ontario.
How long do the farmers keep the hens for?
The hens are kept between 12-18 months. This is dependent on the quality of the eggs that are produced and the health of the hens.
What do you feed your hens?
Each of our farming partners feed what they know is best for the chickens. This includes flax for added omega-3 benefits. Our hens have access to outdoor pasture year-round which means in addition to the feed they can forage for foods.
What does "Pastured" mean?
We provide pasture access to our chickens all year round, even in the winter months. This way the chickens have the ability to graze on pasture on milder winter days – which we seem to be having more and more of each year! We also bring grasses indoors in the colder months to create an environment that is comfortable for our chickens.
Does the feed contain antibiotics?
No antibiotics are added to the feed. Our chickens live healthy lives, however, in the event that they may become unwell, our farmers will consult with a veterinarian.